Purpose Page

eBusiness Building Blocks for: www.gamingunlockedblog.blogspot.com

A.   1. Videogames       16. App store
2. Online games          17. Mobile gaming
3. Console                   18. Virtual reality
4. Video game cheats  19. Augmented reality
5. Nintendo                  20. Multiplayer
6. Microsoft                 21. Single player
7. Playstation               22. Flash action games
8. NES                         23. 3D multiplayer online games
9. SNES                       24. PC games
10. Nintendo 64           25. Retro games
11. Wii                         26. Nostalgia
12. Nintendo Switch    27. Sports games
13. Xbox 360               28. Shooter games
14. Gamer                    29. Adventure games
15. Controller              30. Racing games
B.    Niche Area
My niche is providing information on happenings and updates in the gaming world. Reading materials includes but is not limited to magazines, magazine articles, blogs, blog posts, websites, website articles, online videos, etc. Target audience is gamers and anyone interested in the video game industry.
C.    Mission Statement
Devoted to helping update you on the most recent gaming news and improve your knowledge as a gamer.
D.   Selling Proposition
‘You don’t have to pause’

E.    “Working name” for Ebusiness
F.    Purpose
The gaming industry is constantly moving and always changing. Many of us cannot keep up with the innovations and changes. We can go to the store and see what is popular. Fortunately for us, I can keep you updated and save you that trip to the local store or that time you spend on hold over the phone. I can tell you what is going to be popular, not what is. I can provide you with reviews on games and if they are worth the cost. Games that are popular are not always the most fun and I can tell you what those not so talked about titles are. All the major console companies are always trying to beat competitors to the new market, the newest being virtual reality. I will give in depth information on what is to come in console gaming.
G.   Pseudonym
Clayton Carlisle

H. About Page


J. Contact me here:



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