Thursday, March 9, 2017

Why Do People Stop Playing Video Games in Adulthood

I used to play video games way too much as a kid; so much that I would skip meals and a lot of sleep. I think as a kid you just do not have many responsibilities, if any at all. You find joys in being able to relax and also not have anything to do afterwards. As a kid you do not have a car to really go anywhere you want too. When I started driving I drove to friends’ houses so much more instead of playing video games. When you become an adult you have so many responsibilities and little down time. With the down time you do have as an adult you are most likely going to put it into something that needs to be done, like chores or running errands, or just other hobbies you enjoy. Some people have the classic 9 to 5 job where they work 5-6 days a week, and on the 1-2 days you have off, you won’t be spending it on playing video games. I also think video game creators market their games to a younger demographic because playing some games now I feel like they are really dumbed down, and I like a challenge when I play. It is so much simpler to come home from work and just turn on the television, because doing work related activities all day, you won’t want to come home and use any more of your mental capacity. Watching television requires little effort and you can also be on your phone at the same time.

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