Sunday, February 26, 2017

Link Post

NathanVsVideogames posted previously on his favorite video games played in 2012. He named a lot of good titles, some of which I enjoyed, but there are some he did not mention that are some of my favorites. 2012 was a good year for video games.

Assassin’s Creed III
The Assassin’s Creed series already had such a good name and I had not played it until this game. I loved every minute of it. This game takes you to another world where you get to relive memories of your ancestors and fight against the Templars. This has one of the best storylines in a game I have ever played. There is so much you can do in this game like explore, have wars on ships, and buy weapons from arms dealers. There is so much customization with your character that you really get to feel like you are in the American Civil War where the game takes place. The fighting is one of the coolest aspects of the game, along with the amount of kill combos they give you. You get to help the world and stop the redcoats, but also “assassinate” at free will and escape from the law and look awesome while doing it, with all the parkour the game has to offer.

Halo 4
Halo will always go down as one of my most favorite titles to play. Halo 3 will always be the best of them, but that doesn’t mean Halo 4 was bad. This game brought everything from the previous games with stellar multiplayer gameplay. Halo provided us with a new story for our beloved hero, Master Chief, and we got to pick up where he left off floating throughout space. It was one of the stranger storylines in the franchise, but it did its job in making me love Master Chief that much more. We got to see old things, with a twist of new things spun off from Halo Reach. There were also some new game types that they created, which always keeps you staying up past midnight to own noobs.

Call of Duty Black Ops II
Another big game I spent hundreds of hours playing. This game was the reason I procrastinated a lot of homework assignments in high school and the reason I was always tired there too. Black Ops I was one of my favorite Call of Duty’s and this was such a worthy. It brought me all the great visuals that the first one had, with new kill streaks, maps, and guns. Let’s not forget when they brought back Nuketown, everyone’s favorite map. This game had it all and it had one of the best zombie experiences, where they added the first moving map with the bus.

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